The moment you discover you are a Mummy to be is magical. In my story, my heart literally stopped for a few seconds and I felt elated and joyful with a defining moment looking in the bathroom mirror and suddenly feeling very serious.
Mr P and I were married in July 2013 and decided straight away that we wanted to grow our family. I was hopeful that we would be pregnant this month in November and took a digital pregnancy test three days before I was due despite having no symptoms and the test revealed that I was 'Not Pregnant'. Two days later I woke up feeling groggy and hungover despite having not had anything to drink so I slipped into the bathroom while Mr P was downstairs having a big discussion with the builder who was installing our new kitchen, and decided to take the other digital test. I have to say that although we were trying, nothing came as a bigger shock when the test digitally displayed 'Pregnant 1-2 Weeks'.
I waited upstairs for Mr P to finish up with the builder and my heart was racing with so much excitement, he seemed to take forever. Once he came up we sat on the edge of the bed, me armed with the positive pregnancy test in my dressing gown pocket and I told him he was going to be a Daddy! My husband looked at me in disbelief as he didn't know I was taking a test so I whipped it out as proof and we hugged and kissed and laughed and smiled. And our lives changed, we are going to be parents, and we cannot wait!