What we are really looking forward to is our NT scan next week when I am 13 weeks.. I do have to admit that I got rather impatient and we paid for an early scan last week which was ridiculously amazing! Best £99 we have ever spent. Our little Jelly Bean (or JB) as my Mum now calls it, was wriggling and kicking away which was so cool to see. Mr P was shocked and couldn't believe I couldn't feel the acrobatics but the sonographer filled us in that our baby was only teeny tiny and I wouldn't be able to feel any movement for at least another month.
Hubby and I started taking pics of the 'bump' at 10 weeks and took another at 12 weeks and we were both very surprised at how much my tummy had grown. I still look like I ate too much pasta (which i probably have) instead of pregnant but its still really cool seeing my changing shape. I had to go bra shopping today and I have gone from a B cup to a D cup!
10 Weeks..
12 Weeks..
So now that I am officially entering the second trimester I am patiently waiting for that gorgeous pregnancy 'glow' to kick in. In this twelfth week I am still feeling super tired and am suffering from indigestion and heart burn (already). The midwife suggested I sleep with my pillow up high so that I am slightly upright. Last night was a good nights sleep so she may be onto something xxx
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