
Thursday, 27 February 2014

16 Week Update

Oh my gosh I finally have a minute to update the blog! What a full on week this has been. Its always busy when I have exams and they always take a lot out of me but even more so while growing this tiny human being inside me! I had a 3 hour exam yesterday afternoon and another this morning so can everyone keep there fingers crossed for me that I did enough to pass pretty please?

Now onto baby Paicey, the little munchkin is doing fabulous. I know this as I just came out of my 16 week midwife appointment. I am 16 weeks, 5 days so the appointment and this post are a little late. I had my blood tests reviewed and all came up great. Blood pressure and urine samples today were good and our jelly beans heart rate was really strong at 146 beats per minute.

I had a scare last week when I had a very minor accident in the car. I ran up the back of a motorcyclist but going very slowly as I had slammed on my breaks. It was more scary than anything, no-one was hurt and very minimal damage. Thankfully the lady I ran into was lovely and really nice about it all as I was so shocked that she was comforting me when I imagine it was more scary for her!
I booked in to the GP for a check up the next day and the doctor could not find my little ones heartbeat on her doppler. She booked me into the early pregnancy unit at the hospital for a scan but couldn't get an appointment for 5 days. So we had a long wait and my husband was quite worried but I just felt everything was fine with the baby so tried to put it out of my mind. On Monday I went into the hospital and the nurse found the heartbeat on the doppler immediately and didn't proceed with the scan. The nurse at the hospital was appalled that I had waited 5 days without knowing if the baby was ok and said I could have come right in that same day if my doctor had told them that she hadn't found a heartbeat. Needless to say, I will not be going back to that doctor as she had no empathy towards a first time mum to be or any mum to be really.

I think its safe to say that my bump has finally popped out and I feel pregnant! But not in that awful feeling sick kind of pregnancy way, just that I am super proud of my little bump and I love it. I wonder if I will feel that way at the end?! I've been feeling great this week. No nausea at all and tiredness kept at bay. There has been a huge difference so far in the second trimester to how I felt in the first trimester. The only issue i've had the past week has been a very sore lower back.

Mr P and I have booked a holiday to Lanzarote for a week on Sunday. The temperatures are a high of 21 and low of 16 so not boiling hot but so much nicer, dryer and sunnier than the British winter we are having. I am really looking forward to a week of relaxing, spas, eating, sun baking and reading books all whilst enjoying my husbands company. A little babymoon for us! Ill post a pic of the bump on holiday in Lanzarote for my 17 week update, but for now here are 2 photos of my bump popping out. Excuse the photos, I had just finished my exams and been running around like a mad woman!

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

15 Weeks... and counting

We've had a pretty uneventful but nice and relaxed week. I've been studying for 2 accountancy exams that I am taking at the end of February, mixed in with lunch out with Mr P for Valentines day and really enjoying being pregnant.
For valentines day I received beautiful flowers from the market as well as a delightfully huge box of hotel chocolat caramel selection choccy's. I got the hubby a very cute baby grow that says I love Daddy. Heres a summary of the week just gone and what I have been feeling.
Our Valentines day treats

How far along: 15 weeks, 4 days

Symptoms: I think I've got the hang of what triggers making me feel sick, which is if I go the slightest bit too long without having something to eat. I still get surprised by how quickly the nausea comes but it is quickly relieved with food. I experienced quite strong pains in my abdomen one evening and my old friend google suggested I hadn't had enough water. 2 Big glasses later and miraculously the pain subsided so my body sure is letting me know when I haven't eaten or drank enough water! Other than that, my lower back has been super sore, especially when rolling over in bed or walking up stairs. Kind of like a pinching feeling. I think I might need to invest in a pregnancy pillow sooner rather than later.

Sleep: A few good nights, a few bad nights. My Husbands constant moving and loud breathing has been irritating me lately which I am normally fine with so I'm putting it down to pregnancy hormones!

Weight Gain: I actually lost half a kg this week which is weird, especially considering my growing belly. 

Food Cravings: I'm not really craving anything per say. I've gone off steak which we usually have once or twice a week. I've substituted my piece of steak for a big jacket potato with cheese and sour cream so that hubby can still enjoy his weekly steak fest (due to Mr P's rugby training schedule he doesn't have the potato as he tries to go mostly carb free). On Saturday night after a huge away win by Mr P's team and a try from my husband, we decided to order a pizza (naughty) and I also ordered a tub of Ben and Jerry's ice-cream in cookie dough flavour. After eating half a tub straight from the container I decided that should do it and popped it back in the freezer. I couldn't stop thinking about it and 30 mins later I retrieved it and ate the lot! Ive never done that before.. I definitely used being pregnant as a lovely excuse.

Best Moment: My favourite moment this week was on Friday when I went to the NICU at St Peter's hospital and visited my friend Jenny's beautiful new son Noah. He was so teeny tiny but absolutely perfect in every way. I even got to hold his little hand. He will be one of baby Paicey's first friends which is so lovely.

Worst Moment: No worst moments really. Studying is a real drag and I don't feel the most productive. I can't wait to sit these exams, they will be my last ones until after our baby arrives.

Movement: I recently blogged about feeling tapping on my tummy earlier in the week. I haven't felt anything similar since, so I'm still not sure if it was baby. But I can definitely feel little wiggles when I put my hand over my tummy and take some time when I am lying down or sitting still. My husband hasn't been able to feel anything yet. I signed up for weekly online pregnancy updates on baby centre, and this week it said that if you shine a torch onto your tummy, the baby can now see light and will move away from it. I really wanted to try this out but Mr P told me I couldn't torment our little baby like that and to leave it alone, our jelly bean will move when he or she wants too!

Looking forward too: We are looking into a holiday in 2 weeks time. Its so cold and wet here so its all about the sunshine and where we can get it! We are looking at Dubai which is more expensive but guaranteed sunshine, whereas the canary islands are cheaper, but still a little cold at this time of year. Looking forward to sunning the bump and hoping it pops out slightly more in 2 weeks so I definitely look pregnant and not fat in a bikini!

Bump: Popping out more and more. Its my favourite past time to look in the mirror at my little bump!

The Bump is coming! I think its lovely.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Baby kicking?

Eeeeek so this is just a super quick update as I'm so excited to share with you that I think I felt my babe tapping on my tummy this morning! I was sitting on the sofa after a very long sleep in, eating my brekky, when I felt a tap tap tap on my tummy on the left side. My t-shirt even rippled slightly!
What else could it have been? Some bloggers and forum posters say that its just gas or bubbles in your tummy as its too early to feel the baby moving.. Im 14 weeks and 4 days pregnant so coming up to the 15 week mark. I've read that it depends on your weight and where the placenta is sitting as it can be in the way. I really hope I feel it again very soon as it makes me so happy!

Sunday, 9 February 2014

14 Weeks

How far along: 14 weeks, 2 days.

Symptoms: I think I may have spoken too soon last week, saying I felt great. Ive had quite a lot of being sick this week, vomiting 3 times! I had plenty of all day nausea early on in my pregnancy but wasn't actually sick so this week came as quite a surprise. We put it down to not eating enough and I've had to increase my food intake by adding in snacks of apples and grapefruit and nuts throughout the day to ward of being sick and it seems to have helped. Fingers crossed. I am also quite tired during the day and feel really lazy.

Sleep: Im still having plenty of sleep and lovely morning lay ins but find myself waking up often throughout the night, I'm currently a very light sleeper. I have been waking quite tired even after 10 hours in bed. This business of making a human is tough work!

Weight Gain: I've put on another half a kg or 1 lb which I am happy about as the recommended weight gain for the second trimester is 1 lb per week as a guideline. Total weight gain is at 3.5 kg.

Food Cravings: Ive been eating quite healthy since being sick this week. Lots of homemade cheese and salad wraps with boiled eggs and not much chocolate at all surprisingly. Hope this healthy food craving sticks around as I really do eat what I feel like at the moment.

Best Moment: Not related to my pregnancy but my very good friend had quite a shock and delivered her baby 8 weeks early on Saturday morning. Hearing that they were both very well and happy was a wonderful moment.

Worst Moment: Being sick in the kitchen sink!

Movement: I am desperately trying to feel flutters again and resting my hand on my lower tummy whenever I get a quiet moment. Nothing definite to report!

Looking forward too: Feeling our baby move in my tummy! Come on baby Paicey. Im at the stage where theres no scans for quite some time, usually 20 weeks, so feeling movement would be so lovely.

Bump: Coming along nicely. I think I was quite bloated in my last pics as my tummy feels and looks smaller this week. My husband asked why I was pulling my t-shirt in tight for this photo, but you can't really see my tummy if I don't, so its really not too big but I still love it!

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Week 13

How far along? 13 weeks, 2 days.

Symptoms: This week I am feeling great! Nausea has subsided as has complete exhaustion and I am feeling so happy!
I had my first dizzy spell when I was out and about at one of my favourite cafe's. I was queuing and started to get hot and bothered and then started to see 'stars'. I quickly grabbed a seat and some lovely customers noticed I was unwell and got me a drink of water, asking if I was OK which I was, within 5 minutes, albeit a little embarrassed. I have since found out that pregnant ladies have an increased blood volume and it takes our bodies time to adjust to this which can lead to dizziness.

Sleep: I am sleeping wonderfully at night, getting at least 10 or 11 hours with only 1 quick trip to the bathroom and then straight back to sleep. I am very lucky and get to sleep in each morning which is so lovely.

Weight Gain: I think its probably too much too soon but I am up 3 kg or 6.6 lbs

Food Cravings: Anything sweet.. Chocolate or Ice cream! Could you call this a craving?

Best moment: Seeing our jelly bean again at our scan and getting the negative NT screening results in the post.

Worst moment: Definitely nearly fainting in a busy cafe!

Movement: I thought I felt flutters first thing in the morning when I had my hand on my tummy to protect it from my cat Archie who was running around on our bed. I haven't felt anything else so I can't be sure and it is early for any movement.

Bump: Getting bigger but it still changes size from morning to evening when its bigger, which means its still bloating and water retention rather than all baby. I love it though!

Evening bump at 13 weeks.

Nuchal Translucency (NT) Scan

On Tuesday we had our NHS scan at 12 weeks and 6 days which was at Kingston hospital where I will be giving birth. The NT scan includes a few measurements of baby including fluid on the neck and a blood test which makes up The Combined Test. We had a negative screening which was fab news and another milestone ticked off the list.

It was wonderful seeing baby Paicey on the big screen again, not very active this time except for a few full body jumps which the sonographer said were hiccups! Unfortunately, Mr P drove around and around looking for a carpark at the hospital and he missed the entire scan! We were so grateful that we had paid for our early scan 2 weeks prior as he was there for that... So we definitely need to arrive 30 mins early for our 20 week scan!