
Sunday, 2 February 2014

Week 13

How far along? 13 weeks, 2 days.

Symptoms: This week I am feeling great! Nausea has subsided as has complete exhaustion and I am feeling so happy!
I had my first dizzy spell when I was out and about at one of my favourite cafe's. I was queuing and started to get hot and bothered and then started to see 'stars'. I quickly grabbed a seat and some lovely customers noticed I was unwell and got me a drink of water, asking if I was OK which I was, within 5 minutes, albeit a little embarrassed. I have since found out that pregnant ladies have an increased blood volume and it takes our bodies time to adjust to this which can lead to dizziness.

Sleep: I am sleeping wonderfully at night, getting at least 10 or 11 hours with only 1 quick trip to the bathroom and then straight back to sleep. I am very lucky and get to sleep in each morning which is so lovely.

Weight Gain: I think its probably too much too soon but I am up 3 kg or 6.6 lbs

Food Cravings: Anything sweet.. Chocolate or Ice cream! Could you call this a craving?

Best moment: Seeing our jelly bean again at our scan and getting the negative NT screening results in the post.

Worst moment: Definitely nearly fainting in a busy cafe!

Movement: I thought I felt flutters first thing in the morning when I had my hand on my tummy to protect it from my cat Archie who was running around on our bed. I haven't felt anything else so I can't be sure and it is early for any movement.

Bump: Getting bigger but it still changes size from morning to evening when its bigger, which means its still bloating and water retention rather than all baby. I love it though!

Evening bump at 13 weeks.

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